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Exporting and importing workflows#

In this chapter you will learn how to export and import workflows.

Exporting and importing workflows#

n8n workflows can be saved locally as JSON files. This is useful if you want to share your workflow with someone else, or import a workflow from someone else.

Sharing credentials

Note that the exported JSON file of your workflow will contain your credentials as well. If you don't want to share your credentials (recommended), delete them from the JSON file.

You can export and import workflows in two ways:

  • From the Editor UI:
    • Export: In the left panel, in the Workflow section, click on Download. This will download your current workflow as a JSON file on your computer.
    • Import: In the left panel, click on Import from URL (to import a published workflow) or Import from File (to import a workflow as a JSON file).
  • From the command line: