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Rename Keys#

The Rename Keys node is used to rename the keys of a key-value pair in n8n.

Node Reference#

You can rename one or multiple keys using the Rename Keys node. Click on the Add new key button to rename a key.

There are two properties in the Rename Keys node.

  • Current Key Name field: The current name of the key that you would like to rename.
  • New Key Name field: The new name that you would like to assign to the key.

Example Usage#

This workflow allows you to rename a key using the Rename Keys node. You can also find the workflow on the website. This example usage workflow would use the following three nodes. - Start - Set - Rename Keys

The final workflow should look like the following image.

A workflow with the Rename Keys node

1. Start node#

The start node exists by default when you create a new workflow.

2. Set node#

  1. Click on the Add Value button and select the 'String' option from the dropdown list.
  2. Enter a name for the key in the Name field and enter a value in the Value field.

3. Rename Keys node#

  1. Click on the Add new key button.
  2. Enter the name of the key you created in the previous step in the Current Key Name field.
  3. Enter the new name that you would like to give the key in the New Key Name field.
  4. Click on Execute Node to run the workflow.