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Environment Variables#

File-based configuration

You can provide a configuration file for n8n. You can also append _FILE to certain variables to provide their configuration in a separate file. Variables that support this have the "/_FILE" option listed below.


Enabling overwrites for credentials allows you to set default values for credentials which get automatically populated. The user can't see or change these credentials. The format is { CREDENTIAL_NAME: { PARAMTER: VALUE }}.

Variable Type Default Description
* - Overwrites for credentials.
CREDENTIALS_OVERWRITE_ENDPOINT String - The API endpoint to fetch credentials.
CREDENTIALS_DEFAULT_NAME String My credentials The default name for credentials.


Variable Type Default Description
Enum string:
sqlite, mariadb, mysqldb, postgresdb
sqlite The database to use.
DB_TABLE_PREFIX * - Prefix to use for table names.


Variable Type Default Description
String n8n The name of the MySQL database. Default value is n8n.
String localhost The MySQL host. Default value is localhost.
Number 3306 The MySQL port. Default value is 3306.
String root The MySQL user. Default value is root.
String - The MySQL password.


Variable Type Default Description
String n8n The name of the PostgreSQL database. Default value is n8n.
String localhost The PostgreSQL host. Default value is localhost.
Number 5432 The PostgreSQL port. Default value is 5432.
String root The PostgreSQL user. Default value is root.
String - The PostgreSQL password.
String public The PostgreSQL schema. Default value is public.
String - The PostgreSQL SSL certificate authority.
String - The PostgreSQL SSL certificate.
String - The PostgreSQL SSL key.
Boolean true If n8n should reject unauthorized SSL connections (true) or not (false).


Variable Type Default Description
DB_SQLITE_VACUUM_ON_STARTUP Boolean false Runs VACUUM operation on startup to rebuild the database. Reduces file size and optimizes indexes. This is a long running blocking operation and increases start-up time.


Variable Type Default Description
N8N_EDITOR_BASE_URL String - Public URL where users can access the editor. Also used for emails sent from n8n.
N8N_CONFIG_FILES String - Use to provide the path to any JSON configuration file.
N8N_DISABLE_UI Boolean false Disable the UI (true) or not (false).
N8N_TEMPLATES_ENABLED Boolean true Enable workflow templates (true) or disable (false).
N8N_TEMPLATES_HOST String Change this if creating your own workflow template library.
N8N_ENCRYPTION_KEY String Random key generated by n8n Provide a custom key used to encrypt credentials in the n8n database. By default n8n generates a random key on first launch.
N8N_USER_FOLDER String user-folder Provide the path where n8n will create the .n8n folder. This directory stores user-specific data, such as database file and encryption key.
N8N_PATH String / The path n8n deploys to.
N8N_HOST String localhost Host name n8n runs on.
N8N_PORT Number 5678 The HTTP port n8n runs on.
N8N_LISTEN_ADDRESS String The IP address n8n should listen on.
N8N_PROTOCOL Enum string: http, https http The protocol used to reach n8n.
N8N_SSL_KEY String - The SSL key for HTTPS protocol.
N8N_SSL_CERT String - The SSL certificate for HTTPS protocol.
N8N_PERSONALIZATION_ENABLED Boolean true Whether to ask users personalisation questions and then customise n8n accordingly.
N8N_VERSION_NOTIFICATIONS_ENABLED Boolean true When enabled, n8n sends notifications of new versions and security updates.
N8N_VERSION_NOTIFICATIONS_ENDPOINT String The endpoint to retrieve where version information.
N8N_VERSION_NOTIFICATIONS_INFO_URL String The URL displayed in the New Versions panel for additional information.
N8N_DIAGNOSTICS_ENABLED Boolean true Whether to share selected, anonymous telemetry with n8n
N8N_DIAGNOSTICS_CONFIG_FRONTEND String 1zPn9bgWPzlQc0p8Gj1uiK6DOTn; Telemetry configuration for the frontend.
N8N_DIAGNOSTICS_CONFIG_BACKEND String 1zPn7YoGC3ZXE9zLeTKLuQCB4F6; Telemetry configuration for the backend.
N8N_AVAILABLE_BINARY_DATA_MODES String filesystem A comma separated list of available binary data modes.
N8N_BINARY_DATA_STORAGE_PATH String N8N_USE_FOLDER/binaryData The path where n8n stores binary data.
N8N_BINARY_DATA_TTL Number 60 Time to live (in minutes) for binary data of unsaved executions.
N8N_DEFAULT_BINARY_DATA_MODE String default The default binary data mode. default keeps binary data in memory. Set to filesystem to use the filesystem.
N8N_PERSISTED_BINARY_DATA_TTL Number 1440 Time to live (in minutes) for persisted data.
VUE_APP_URL_BASE_API String http://localhost:5678/ Used when building the n8n-editor-ui package manually to set how the frontend can reach the backend API.
N8N_HIRING_BANNER_ENABLED Boolean true Whether to show the n8n hiring banner in the console (true) or not (false).

User management and SMTP#

Refer to User management for more information on setting up user management and emails.

Variable Type Default Description
N8N_USER_MANAGEMENT_DISABLED Boolean false Set to true to disable the user management feature. Note that n8n ignores this environment variable if you have already set up an owner account.
N8N_EMAIL_MODE String smtp Enable emails.
N8N_SMTP_HOST String - your_SMTP_server_name
N8N_SMTP_PORT Number - your_SMTP_server_port
N8N_SMTP_USER String - your_SMTP_username
N8N_SMTP_PASS String - your_SMTP_password
N8N_SMTP_SENDER String - You can select the sender name from the sender addresses. Example: N8N _contact@n8n.com_
N8N_SMTP_SSL Boolean true Whether to use SSL for SMTP (true) or not (false).
N8N_UM_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_INVITE String - Full path to your HTML email template. This overrides the default template for invite emails.
N8N_UM_EMAIL_TEMPLATES_PWRESET String - Full path to your HTML email template. This overrides the default template for password reset emails.
N8N_USER_MANAGEMENT_JWT_SECRET String - Set a specific JWT secret. By default, n8n generates one on start.


Variable Type Default Description
N8N_PAYLOAD_SIZE_MAX Number 16 The maximum payload size in MB.
N8N_METRICS Boolean false Whether to enable the metrics endpoint.
N8N_METRICS_PREFIX String n8n_ Optional prefix for metrics names.
N8N_ENDPOINT_REST String rest The path used for REST endpoint.
N8N_ENDPOINT_WEBHOOK String webhook The path used for webhook endpoint.
N8N_ENDPOINT_WEBHOOK_TEST String webhook-test The path used for test-webhook endpoint.
N8N_ENDPOINT_WEBHOOK_WAIT String webhook-waiting The path used for waiting-webhook endpoint.
WEBHOOK_URL String - Used to manually provide the Webhook URL when running n8n behind a reverse proxy. See here for more details.
N8N_DISABLE_PRODUCTION_MAIN_PROCESS Boolean false Disable production webhooks from main process. This helps ensure no HTTP traffic load to main process when using webhook-specific processes.
N8N_SKIP_WEBHOOK_DEREGISTRATION_SHUTDOWN Boolean false Only de-register webhooks on external services when workflows are deactivated.

External hooks#

Variable Type Description
EXTERNAL_HOOK_FILES String Files containing external hooks. Provide multiple files as a colon-separated list (":").


Variable Type Default Description
EXECUTIONS_PROCESS Enum string: main, own own Whether n8n executions run in their own process or the main process.

Refer to Execution modes and processes for more details.
EXECUTIONS_MODE Enum string: regular, queue regular Whether executions should run directly or using queue.

Refer to Execution modes and processes for more details.
EXECUTIONS_TIMEOUT Number -1 The maximum run time (in seconds) before stopping a workflow execution. Set to -1 to disable.
EXECUTIONS_TIMEOUT_MAX Number 3600 The maximum execution time (in seconds) for an individual workflow.
EXECUTIONS_DATA_SAVE_ON_ERROR Enum string: all, none all Whether n8n saves execution data on error.
EXECUTIONS_DATA_SAVE_ON_SUCCESS Enum string: all, none all Whether n8n saves execution data on success.
EXECUTIONS_DATA_SAVE_ON_PROGRESS Boolean false Whether to save progress for each node executed (true) or not (false).
EXECUTIONS_DATA_SAVE_MANUAL_EXECUTIONS Boolean false Whether to save data of executions when started manually.
EXECUTIONS_DATA_PRUNE Boolean false Whether to delete data of past executions on a rolling basis.
EXECUTIONS_DATA_MAX_AGE Number 336 The execution age (in hours) before it's deleted.
EXECUTIONS_DATA_PRUNE_TIMEOUT Number 3600 The timeout (in seconds) after n8n prunes execution data.


Variable Type Default Description
N8N_LOG_LEVEL Enum string: info, warn, error, verbose, debug info Log output level.
N8N_LOG_OUTPUT Enum string: console, file console Where to output logs. Provide multiple values as a comma-seperated list.
N8N_LOG_FILE_COUNT_MAX Number 100 Max number of log files to keep.
N8N_LOG_FILE_SIZE_MAX Number 16 Max size of each log file in MB.
N8N_LOG_FILE_LOCATION String file Log file location. Requires N8N_LOG_OUTPUT set to file.
DB_LOGGING_ENABLED Boolean false Whether to enable database-specific logging.
DB_LOGGING_OPTIONS Enum string: query, error, schema, warn, info, log error Database log output level. To enable all logging, specify all.
DB_LOGGING_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME Number 1000 Maximum execution time (in milliseconds) before n8n logs a warning. Set to 0 to disable long running query warning.


Variable Type Default Description
NODES_INCLUDE String - Specify which nodes to load.
NODES_EXCLUDE String - Specify which nodes not to load.
NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_BUILTIN String - Permit users to import specific built-in modules in Function nodes. Use * to allow all. n8n disables importing modules by default.
NODE_FUNCTION_ALLOW_EXTERNAL String - Permit users to import specific external modules (from n8n/node_modules) in Function nodes. n8n disables importing modules by default.
NODES_ERROR_TRIGGER_TYPE String n8n-nodes-base.errorTrigger Specify which Node Type to use as Error Trigger.
N8N_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS String - Specify the path to additional directories containing your custom nodes.


Variable Type Default Description
QUEUE_BULL_PREFIX String - Prefix to use for all queue keys.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_DB Number 0 The Redis database used.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_HOST String localhost The Redis host.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_PORT Number 6379 The Redis port used.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_PASSWORD String - The Redis password.
QUEUE_BULL_REDIS_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD Number 10000 The Redis timeout threshold (in seconds).
QUEUE_RECOVERY_INTERVAL Number 60 Interval (in seconds) for active polling to the queue to recover from Redis crashes. 0 disables recovery. May increase Redis traffic significantly.
QUEUE_HEALTH_CHECK_ACTIVE Boolean false Whether to enable health checks (true) or disable (false).
QUEUE_HEALTH_CHECK_PORT Number - The port to serve health checks on.


Variable Type Default Description
N8N_AUTH_EXCLUDE_ENDPOINTS String - Exclude endpoints from authentication checks. Provide multiple endpoints as a colon-seperated list (":"). The endpoints must not start with a forward slash ("/").
N8N_BASIC_AUTH_ACTIVE Boolean false Whether n8n should activate basic auth for editor and REST-API access.
String - The name of the n8n user for basic authentication.
String - The password of the n8n user for basic authentication.
Boolean false Whether to hash the basic authentication password.
N8N_BLOCK_ENV_ACCESS_IN_NODE Boolean false Whether to allow users to access environment variables in expressions and the function node (false) or not (true).
N8N_JWT_AUTH_ACTIVE Boolean false Whether n8n should activate JWT authentication for editor and REST-API access.
String - The request header containing a signed JWT.
String - Optional. The request header value prefix to strip.
String - The URI to fetch JWK Set for JWT authentication.
String - Optional. The expected JWT issuer.
String - Optional. The expected JWT namespace.
String - Optional. The allowed JWT tenant.
String - Optional. The JWT tenant key name to inspect within the JWT namespace.

Timezone and localization#

Variable Type Default Description
GENERIC_TIMEZONE * America/New_York The n8n instance timezone. Important for schedule nodes (such as Cron).
N8N_DEFAULT_LOCALE String en A locale identifier, compatible with the Accept-Language header. n8n doesn't support regional identifiers, such as de-AT. When running in a locale other than the default, n8n displays UI strings in the selected locale, and falls back to en for any untranslated strings.


Variable Type Default Description
WORKFLOWS_DEFAULT_NAME String My workflow The default name used for new workflows.
N8N_ONBOARDING_FLOW_DISABLED Boolean false Whether to show onboarding tips when creating a new workflow (true) or not (false).
N8N_WORKFLOW_TAGS_DISABLED Boolean false Whether to disable workflow tags (true) or enable tags (false).