Keyboard Shortcuts#
The following keyboard shortcuts can be used:
- Ctrl + Left Mouse Button: Move/Pan Node View
- Ctrl + a: Select all nodes
- Ctrl + Alt + n: Create new workflow
- Ctrl + o: Open workflow
- Ctrl + s: Save the current workflow
- Ctrl + v: Paste nodes
Node panel#
- Tab: Open the Node Panel
- Enter: Insert selected node into workflow
- Escape: Close Node panel
Node panel categories#
- Enter: Insert node into workflow, collapse/expand category, open subcategory
- ArrowRight: Expand category, open subcategory
- ArrowLeft: Collapse category, close subcategory view
With nodes selected in canvas#
- ArrowDown: Select sibling node below the current one
- ArrowLeft: Select node left of the current one
- ArrowRight: Select node right of the current one
- ArrowUp: Select sibling node above the current one
- Ctrl + c: Copy nodes
- Ctrl + x: Cut nodes
- d: Deactivate nodes
- Delete: Delete nodes
- F2: Rename node
- Shift + ArrowLeft: Select all nodes left of the current one
- Shift + ArrowRight: Select all nodes right of the current one
Canvas zoom#
- + or =: Zoom in
- - or _: Zoom out
- 0: Reset zoom level
- 1: Zoom to fit workflow
- Ctrl + Mouse wheel: Zoom in/out